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Get a Library Card

Resident Cards

Library cards are free to Warrenville Public Library District residents. To determine if you reside within the District boundaries, visit or call our Member Services Desk. 630/393-1171 x100. 

18 and Over

Under 18

Proof of Residency

Proof of Residency from a Parent or Guardian

Accepted forms of Proof of Residency:

Accepted forms of Proof of Residency:

  • State Issued Photo ID or Driver's License with current street address, OR
  • State Issued Photo ID or Driver's License with current street address, OR
  • Photo ID AND postmarked mail, bill or other identification with current street address
  • Photo ID AND postmarked mail, bill or other identification with current street address
  • Signature of Parent/Guardian required on Library card application.

Get a library card

Get a library card

  • Visit the Member Services Desk
  •  Visit the Member Services Desk

Non-Resident Cards

Click on the item that best describes you. 

Non-SWAN Library Cardholder
Driver's License or State ID (under 18 need a parent/guardian signature)

Home Library Card

Good Standing at Home Library

Valid for up to 1 year


Visit the Member Services Desk to register your card.
Reside in School District 200

Does not belong to /pay taxes to any Library district

Tax bill or rent receipt

Driver's License or State ID

Valid for 1 year

Yearly fee (based on Tax Bill Method)

Membership covers library cards for all persons residing at the address.

You must make an appointment with our Member Services Manager to register for or renew a Non-Resident library card. Contact Laurie Rex at 630/393-1171 x102 or
Non-Resident Taxpayer
Own or lease taxable property in Warrenville Public Library District

Individual, partner, principal stockholder or joint owner of property

Recent tax bill or lease agreement

Photo ID

Valid for up to 1 year


You must make an appointment with our Member Services Manager to register for or renew a Non-Resident library card. Contact Laurie Rex at 630/393-1171 x102 or

Lost or Stolen WPLD Card

To avoid unauthorized use of your library account, immediately report a lost or stolen card to our Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100. The reported card will be invalidated. You will not be responsible for any transactions after you report the lost/stolen card.

To receive a replacement card, visit our Member Services Desk and present a current photo ID. We will issue you a replacement card.

Loan Periods and Fees

Loan Periods

2 weeks

4 weeks

DVDs Books
Mobile Devices Music CDs
Thematic Kits Audiobooks

Fine Free Library

The library does not charge fines for overdue items. The following fees may apply:

Long Overdue and Lost Item Fees

If an item is not returned within 42 days of the due date, a charge for the cost of the item will be added to the borrower's account. Lost materials will be accepted back within 1 year of the due date. After 1 year, the cost of the item must be paid in full. Replacement copies are not accepted.

Damaged Item Fees

If an item sustains damage which can be repaired, a fee may be assessed according to the repair fee schedule. If material is considered damaged beyond repair and judged by the Library as being unsuitable for the collection, the member will be billed for the item. Material considered damaged beyond repair includes but is not limited to: water damaged, chewed, burned, with substantial stains or markings, numerous ripped pages. Replacement copies are not accepted.

Incomplete Item Fees

Members will be billed for the full cost of items which are returned incomplete. Replacement copies are not accepted.

Lost Cards

In the event that a library card is damaged or reported lost, a replacement card will be issued upon presentation of current photo ID. The original library card will be invalidated.

Renew Items

Automatic Renewals

  • Eligible items will be renewed up to 2 times, 2 days prior to the due date. 
  • All items, with the exception of non-SWAN Interlibrary Loans, may be renewed up to two times, through automatic renewals, if the member account is in good standing and there are no holds on the item.

Non-SWAN Interlibrary Loans items may be renewed one time with approval of lending library. To request a renewal on non-SWAN Interlibrary Loan items, or if you have other questions about renewing an item, call our Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100.

Return Items

Return most items...

  • To the in-wall opening in the café area or Member Services Desk inside the library, 
  • To the Drive-Up Return in the lower-level parking lot off Mount Street, open 24/7, or
  • To the Built-In, Walk-Up Return next to the lower-level entrance, open 24/7.

Return devices and other items requiring special handling to our Member Services Desk. Items may remain on your account for up to 1 business day from their return. 

Place a Hold

WPLD members, any SWAN library cardholders and library cardholders from non-SWAN libraries such as Aurora, Naperville, Winfield or Wheaton who have registered their cards at any SWAN library, can place a hold:

We will notify you by your preferred method (email, text or phone) when your item is ready for pickup. You can also monitor the status of your holds on the SWAN Libraries + App.

You can come into the library to pick up your item from our Holds shelf and use the self-checkout station, or you can request Curbside Pickup service by calling our Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100. If you choose our Curbside Pickup option, your item will not be available on the Holds shelf.

Items not picked up within 7 days will be released. 

A 5-item hold limit applies to non-SWAN library cardholders.


Library notifications help you stay on top of your due dates and provide updates on your holds. Choose your phone, text and email notification preferences when you register for your library card. Notification preference changes can be made by logging into your account or by visiting the Member Services Desk.

Curbside Pickup Service

Curbside pickup service is available for WPLD cardholders, any SWAN library cardholders and library cardholders from non-SWAN libraries such as Aurora, Naperville, Winfield or Wheaton who have registered their cards at WPLD or another SWAN library. Note: The pickup location is actually inside the Stafford Place entrance. Items are not delivered to your vehicle. 

How does Curbside Pickup service work?

  1. Request your items by placing a hold through the catalog or SWAN Libraries + App, or by calling calling Adult Services at 630/393-1171 x121 or Youth Services (youth and teen requests) at 630/393-1171 x124.
  2. Receive an email, text or phone call when your items are available.
  3. Call our Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100 to schedule a pickup date. 

To request library items, you need a library card account in good standing. If there are any monetary blocks for lost/damaged items on your account, or if your library card has expired, then you will need to resolve these matters by calling our Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100 or your local library.

How can I schedule a Curbside Pickup time?

Once your items are ready, based on your notification preferences, you will receive an email, text or phone call. You will then need to call our Member Services Desk to schedule a curbside pickup date: 630/393-1171 x100.

When and where do I pick up my items?

You can pick up your item(s) on your scheduled date during library hours inside our Stafford Place entrance. All items will be bagged and on a table in the entryway. You do not need to check out the items. 

Suggest a Purchase

If you don't see an item in the SWAN catalog, please log in to the catalog with your barcode and PIN, then complete the submit a purchase suggestion.  Each suggestion will be reviewed by our staff and you will be notified of its status. A $3 fee is charged for items borrowed from libraries outside of Illinois.

Questions? Call our Adult Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x121 or email

Homebound Delivery

We offer delivery services to WPLD cardholders who are unable to visit the library for more than 30 days due to an illness, injury or disability. Participants may receive up to 20 books, audiobooks, movies or other items per delivery. Deliveries will be scheduled for the first Saturday of every month, except for holiday weekends.

For more information, go to Homebound Delivery. 

Library catalog
Spring 2025 Reading Matters newsletter. Read now.
Tech To Go collection
Homebound Delivery service

Questions? Contact the Member Services Desk at:

630/393-1171 x100

Borrowing FAQ

My borrowing privileges are suspended. How do I reinstate my borrowing privileges?

  • If you have an account balance of $50 or more in fees, you must reduce the balance to less than $50.
  • If you have charges for lost material, you must return the material or pay the balance in full.
  • If you have charges for damaged material, you must pay the balance in full.
  • If your account was referred to a debt collection agency, you must pay the balance in full, including the $10 debt collection fee.
  • If you have questions about your account balance, call the Member Services Desk at 630/393-1171 x100.

I received a notice that I am being charged for lost material, but I have the items.

  •  Return the material within 1 year of the due date in good condition and we will waive the replacement cost of the item.

Why would my account be sent to a debt collection agency?

  • We work with Unique Management Services (UMS) to help us get material back into circulation and to collect long-outstanding balances. If you owe a balance of $50 or more, your account will be referred to UMS approximately 60 days after a billing notice is sent by the Library. A  $10 non-refundable fee will be applied to your account.

I lost an item. Can I purchase a new copy and donate it to the Library instead of paying the replacement fee?

  • No. We do not accept replacement copies of material in lieu of payment for the cost of the item.